Soetwater Environmental Education Centre
Soetwater Environmental Education Centre
Soetwater Environmental Education Centre
Soetwater Environmental Education Centre
Soetwater Environmental Education Centre
Soetwater Environmental Education Centre
Support the SEEC

The SEEC is a non-profit organisation, and depends on funding from friends, organisations and companies.

  • There are many ways to support our environmental education of children.

    To find out about our wish list, or how you can contribute or get involved, contact Lappies Labuschagne at (EMAIL) or (TEL) 021 783 0242


    A classroom by the sea : Environmental Education through Hands-on Experience, Fun and Adventure

    The Soetwater Environmental Education Centre is a very special classroom – outdoors, by the sea, at the foot of a beautiful mountain, surrounded by pristine fynbos and beaches, and right next-door to a working lighthouse. Since the centre opened in 2001, thousands of children and adults have attended our camps and day-outings. The SEEC has been widely acclaimed by learners and educators from a wide and diverse cross-section of schools.

  • Dear friends of Soetwater EEC, we really need your help and support.

    We are embarking on a major fundraiser to try and keep the Centre operating and our lovely birds and snakes fed and well during these difficult times. Please help us spread the word and if you can make a donation, no matter how small, every little bit helps. There are two options to donate via credit card, Paypal, EFT via the Back a Buddy campaign running on our behalf by Tokai Lions. Alternatively pay directly into
    [Acc Name] Soetwater Environmental Education Centre

    [Bank] First National Bank

    [Branch] Fish Hoek – 202309

    [Account No] 62030880852.
    Keep safe and warm, and we are doing everything we can to ensure we are here to welcome you in the future. The team and animals at SEEC.